I just purchased a new camera (well, Site Difference purchased the camera for me). It’s the Nikon D70s – a near professional digital SLR with a 6.1 megapixel CCD, the ability to shoot 3 frames per second (up to 144) and two lenses – to name a few. The two lenses (a 18-70mm and a 55-200mm (made by Nikkor)) were bundled with the camera as part of a promotion. Of course, this new camera will probably spark some need inside me to create a photo-blog as part of this site:

[…] As I stated in an earlier post – my new camera has prompted further development of joehallock.com. As you may have noticed above the random image up top, there’s a new tab – Photos. Photos is a photoblog (a daily photo) that will run in parallel to ma voix. I’ve also set up an RSS feed (syndication). You can subscribe to the RSS feed and be automatically notified when a new photo is available. (side note: ma voix also has syndication – just look at the bottom of any page). Joe Hallock: Photos […]