September 2007

Wes Anderson / New Short on iTunes this week

By |2007-09-25T08:29:43-07:00September 25th, 2007|Stories, Web|

via TUAW The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Wes Anderson (director of my favorite movie - The Life Aquatic) he'll release a short film called Hotel Chevalier later this week at Apple stores across the country and for free on iTunes. Mr. Anderson said that he shot the movie in 2 1/2 days and edited it on his own computer... The image above is the first of "The Darjeeling [...]

July 2007

200 most successful websites on the web… subway style

By |2007-07-31T08:07:07-07:00July 31st, 2007|Web|

Information Architects Japan, which is a Tokyo-based IA consultancy, recently released their version of the 200 most successful websites on the web, in the form of a subway map. Links: Information Architects Japan 200 most successful websites on the web

June 2007

User Expereince Wheel

By |2007-06-26T14:19:42-07:00June 26th, 2007|Design, Web|

Magnus Revang created this User Expereince Wheel to help people understand what User Experience is... Click on the image for a larger version. Click to enlarge Link to Magnus Revang's post.

May 2007

December 2006

CBC Radio 3

By |2020-05-07T09:29:08-07:00December 20th, 2006|Design, Music, Stories, Web|

UPDATE #2: Thanks you to Loc Dao for posting the archive to a new location! UPDATE: Looks like the R3 online magazine is back online: (Thanks for the update Sean!) While in graduate school I was fortunate enough to attend a one-day seminar examining digital journalism and convergence. One of the speakers (Sean Embury) came from CBC Radio 3 - a public radio station featuring new music from [...]

October 2006

UX Magazine / Tom Guarriello – Experiencing Experience

By |2008-10-05T14:43:57-07:00October 31st, 2006|Design, Web|

By Tom Guarriello - From UX Magazine "Experience" is the new "black." Very hip, very now. It's impossible to read any publication even remotely concerned with commerce and not find some reference to "user" or "customer" experience. As a psychologist who's spent over 30 years focusing on human experience, this newfound attention is fascinating. After all, for most of the 19th and 20th centuries, what mattered most about people were [...]

July 2006

Photos Now Online

By |2008-10-05T15:13:15-07:00July 9th, 2006|Photography, PHP, Web|

As I stated in an earlier post - my new camera has prompted further development of As you may have noticed above the random image up top, there's a new tab - Photos. Photos is a photoblog (a daily photo) that will run in parallel to ma voix. I've also set up an RSS feed (syndication). You can subscribe to the RSS feed and be automatically notified when a [...]

May 2006

My New Shoes

By |2008-10-05T14:47:03-07:00May 30th, 2006|Design, Web|

I've just designed my first pair of shoes - Hallock Air made by Nike. This is a little old-news, but Nike built this online ordering mechanism and product line called Nike ID (Individually Designed). If you're so inclined, you can go to the site ( and design your own pair of shoes. You can even put your own "ID" on them (see the second photo). Nike ID - Hallock Air [...]

March 2006

Complex Information > Visualized

By |2008-10-05T15:18:05-07:00March 29th, 2006|Design, Web|

I found an interesting site today - It contains several hundred visual representations of complex information. Visit Visual Complexity " intends to be a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. The project's main goal is to leverage a critical understanding of different visualization methods, across a series of disciplines, as diverse as Biology, Social Networks or the World Wide Web. I truly hope [...]

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